Nagi Argir.iou
A hand holds a copy of the zine Core Values. Background

Core Values is a self-published zine that explores the intricate web of contradictions within techno-capitalism. The zine features mission statements, core values, and news articles of top tech companies alongside the techno-optimism of computer magazine advertisements from the late 80s and early 90s.

A spread in the zine about Uber's core values, like 'Do The Right Thing,' and news article headlines about Uber, such as 'Uber Promises To Stop Spying On Customers After Government Order.' A spread in the zine about Facebook (now Meta) and its core values, like 'Focus On Long-Term Impact,' and news article headlines about Facebook, such as 'Facebook Knows Instagram is Toxic To Teen Girls, Company Documents Show.' A spread in the zine about Facebook (now Meta) and its core values, like 'Focus On Long-Term Impact,' and news article headlines about Facebook, such as 'Facebook Knows Instagram is Toxic To Teen Girls, Company Documents Show.' A spread in the zine about Amazon's core values, like 'Think Big,' and news article headlines about Amazon, such as 'Amazon copied products and rigged search results to promote its own brand, documents show.' A spread in the zine about Google's core values, like 'Focus on the user and all else will follow,' and news article headlines about Google, such as 'Google has once again said that even though it could protect your privacy online, it won't.'

You can download the PDF version of Core Values below:

↓ Download Core Values (.pdf)
